Sunday, October 10, 2010

Challenge 49, Water Lily

Water Lily, 17" x 17"

This is the back side of my painting as I lifted the wet fabric off my piece of foam. I liked the back a lot better than the front; many folks in this group agreed. [Thanks for taking the time to comment. ] Then I had a serious case of 'Life Interuptus' which kept me from finishing on time. When I did finally have time to quilt, I got a LOT of white fuzz from the 80\20 natural batting I put in the middle of my sandwich. I used a serious amount of masking tape to clean it up for this photo. Now, it is already attracting the loose stuff on the edges. I still haven't figured out what to do with these little quilts. Therefore, I have not yet finished the edges of this one.

I started out painting in a realistic way, then . . . poof . . . the quilting and ink tense highlights were too much fun. Now I view it as an artistic interpretation of a very unusual water lily.


  1. Hi Ann, This is a gorgeous piece with great shading and color. And very dramatic against the black. Great job...I wouldn't change a thing

  2. Lovely Ann! It reminds me of a delicate ceramic figurine my mother had. Terrific contrasts...well done

  3. this really speaks to me. Well done! Don't change anything.

  4. Elegant and stately are the words that immediately came to mind.... a really stunning piece.
    Have you considered blocking it differently? Making the focal point off center or reducing the negative space?
    Might be the start of an amazing series!


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