Monday, November 08, 2010

Challenge 50 - Ladybug Munch

I'm so late, I was rather stuck on the first part writing the Haiku.

Summer sunshine black
polka dots. Time to munch. Red
and green afternoon

The piece is somewhat based on another old one. I pieced the leave and used the quilting as the extra thread work. The light green is more box shaped. Then there are three red beads for lady bugs and three varied size black beads for aphids. The varied aphids are because when I think of polka dots they are different sized.

Fun challenge and a playful piece. Measures 10 x 17 inches.

In Sunny but freezing Seattle


  1. Your piece is really effective. I appreciate the balance which you have achieved in an asymmetrical piece. Are the black spots beads? The quilting is nice and the complementary colors work well.

  2. This is so intriguing to me. Simple shapes and simple design really depict your haiku well. Good job!

  3. Lisa - This is a very nice uncomplicated yet intricate piece. The red beads make the quilt pop:) I really like it!
    Susan Ward
    Quilting & Knitting In Kentucky
    Imagination - The art of Creating - What a wonderful thing:)

  4. A pretty quilt focusing tightly on tiny details. I appreciate that you didn't choose to be too literal with the bugs. I would enjoy this one on my wall.

    Diane - yarngoddess


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