Tuesday, November 30, 2010

In a galaxy far far away....

Took me awhile to settle on a shape, I have sketches using triangles, squares and diamonds. but finally chose circles.
Nothing fancy, just made a bunch of different size circles, found some of my wilder fabrics, with a couple of almost calmer ones thrown in and just kept arranging and rearranging until I  got it the way I wanted, then a bit of pressing to fuse it all down and Voila! A pretty cool galaxy has been born :-D
My favorite is the pink one with the black and white ring going THROUGH it..lol
Right now this is 17x23", it may stay this size because I think adding anything to the edges will take away from it. Have to stitch around everything and quilt it, but I have to get back to work on my grandson's Christmas gift, a skull and crossbones quilt, which isn't even HALF done yet, so finishing it will have to wait until after Christmas. But I did want to get a piece to this stage before the due date.


  1. Comments welcome of course and tomorrow I will check out the ones posted :-)

  2. Cathy.... I'm working on circles as well (will post next week)... love this one and the Star War reference.... The colors pop and the ring is still a circle, even if part of it's missing.... Great job!

  3. I also chose circles to try to abstract. I like the choice of all the different fabrics which add texture to the piece. I love the black and white open circle, it is very effective and pops the piece. Nice work!

  4. Cathy: That black and white print made the whole piece for me. The composition on the right side is very strong with lots of depth. I feel the left side is lined up a little too perfect. Great job.

    Judy Rys

  5. I, too, am doing circles but my fabrics aren't as interting as yours. I like the scale and variety of circles. The most intersting one being the black and white open circle. I like that the circles on one side are lined up with the others more free form.

  6. Love the over-and-under of the circles on the right and wish there was some of that on the left. But overall, this definitely conveys the feeling of an interesting galaxy to want to visit! And your are correct...adding anything to the edges would take away from the energy within.

  7. great use of circles. I tried circles but didn't vome up with anything nearly as interesting as yours. I think your balancr is just right. It seemsto be more interesting with the two sides different.

    Pat Havey

  8. My favourite circle is the lilac one on the bottom with a kaleidoscopic feeling :) But I agree that the pink one with the white/black ring is interesting too.
    Which quilting motif will you sew?

  9. Great composition of circles. It truly does look like a galaxy. The use of color is wonderful drawing the eye all around the piece. You have also achieved depth with the different sizes. Wonderful!

  10. What a fun, fantasy galaxy! Great size variation and the wild colors are perfect for an abstract design.

  11. Terrific galaxy! I too love the ins and outs of the right side, but think the 'planets' rotating around their 'sun' is also a very strong part of your composition. Your fabric choices are so fun and interesting. Can't wait to see this one quilted

  12. I like the black and white ring the best. Maybe after your done quilting it throw in a few beads for stars.

  13. Like everyone else I like the black and white ring - it really adds interest to the quilt. What color binding are you considering using? Veronica Von Zwehl

  14. Thank you for the comments everyone! Feels so great to be "back in the game" so to speak LOL

    Judy, I wanted the right side to appear closer and the left to look a bit further away with the "planets" decreasing in size as they circled around the bigger one :-)

    orcaloca, not sure on the quilting yet, I thought about a circular one, but right now I'm leaning towards sandwiching it and then using the stitching around each circle as the quilting, to make them stand out a bit more and nothing at all in the black part.

    LAquilts..that's a great idea! I think I will go with my plan of just outlining the planets as stitching and then using beads in the black

    Veronica, I will probably stay with a black binding :-)

  15. Hi Cathy, good to see you back here! Lots of textures with the fun fabrics and I like how you've created depth with the overlapping and diminishing sizes. Good job!

  16. Hi Cathy... good to have you back! I love this galaxy and they way the black and white pierces the pink/red one. everything works. Have you thought of a saturn-like ring on one further out? Will you quilt with colored thread? I surely do hope you will post when it is completed.

  17. Cynthia and Carole, It's good to be back! I didn't realize how much I missed these challenges until I started doing them again :-)

    Carole, yes I have been thinking of putting a ring around one of the smaller ones on the left :-)


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