Monday, December 27, 2010

After the Storm

I am not sure I have this right.... The 'Color field' aspect correct,
however I did study the links and the works presented therein. I have to say, that not having a totally clear idea of this challenge, I went with the images that formed in my mind as I looked, cogitated and drew conclusions.
I definitely look forward to your comments on this one.
This is a real departure for me.. not just the Color challenge, but this is done with newspaper on batting, then adhered to a 'texturized' canvas.

A question has been asked... did I consider not having the two strips across the top.... yes, I did, and in fact, left it for 2 days trying to decide. Yellow is very intense and hard to work with... something I have thought about.... maybe someone will comment on.. is should I make those two at the top paler... should I whiten them. Since this is an encaustic type of piece, it would be easy to do.


  1. Wow Carole, fascinating technique and a beautiful piece of art. I don't feel I can critique it as far as 'color field' goes as I am as confused as you are. But, that being said I love this piece! Very colorful, lot's of movement. I see flowers blowing in the breeze on a very sunny day.
    Job well done my friend.

  2. Carole, This work is really very interesting and clever. I like it very much. Clearly, it was inspired by the color field painters since it was your thoughts during the research that prompted the work. So the challenge is definitely met.

    I just went back to look at Mark Rothko's work. Your piece reminds me of his work through the middle of the 1940's before he made the big change to more 'simplified' work - or as some call it 'the removal of obstacles'.

    I especially like the way you have placed the blues in this piece.

    Great job! Very impressive effort in such a short time.

  3. Great job.. I like this very much and am so glad I decided not to use a canvas too! How clever to use newspaper, I like how you can see the words and all under the paint, adds a little something extra. Overall, love the colors, the motion the technique!

  4. Carol, I'm as confused as everyone else but I like what you've done. My son who attended Pratt Institute arrived yesterday so I'm hoping to get some insight from him.

    I do seem to get some representational feelings from your piece. Obviously I would.

    I agree with Betty It reminds me of the Mark Rothko I saw in the links.


  5. Carole: I really like the energy created between the yellow background and the cool newsprint. What a great idea. Did you consider composing it without the two smaller rectgangles? My mind wants to look deeper into the the large rectangle (where there are so many interesting thngs to see), but my eye keeps getting distracted by the two smaller rectangles.

  6. Hi Carole,
    I like this piece, the technique is very interesting.
    I think I prefer this piece with the two smaller rectangles. Your yellow is so bright that without those two rectangles it could be too "intrusive". just MHO :)

  7. Hi Carole, I like that you used paper rather to do this study. Paper is fiber after all ;>. It's a nice composition, I think the largest of your blocks could stand alone and be great. Just for me, the yellow is jarring and makes more of a frame than most Color Field work I've seen. But hey, I could be wrong, lol.

  8. Alas, I like many others am confused about the term colorfield, but I love your work. The text as a foundation adds tension and interest to me, as I try to look through the layers. The yellow is bright, but maybe that is creating some of the tension and is picked up in the larger piece. I don't mind the smaller pieces, and according to what I have read, there is not supposed to be any central focus in this style of work. A great piece.

  9. Hi Carole, it's an interesting piece and you've had some varied comments. I like the color scheme and pattern inside the rectangles...very artsy, nicely balanced color placement. My comments are just my personal preferance, so take them with a grain of salt. It seems more collage like than color field because of the layout. If it were my quilt, I would crop it so the large rectangle remains with only a small top border and keeping the bottom border and none at the sides. That looks more color field like to me and it leaves the yellow as an more of an accent than taking over.
    Great job...I admire your ventures into other media and form.

  10. I can see the interesting color framed in the yellow. It seems kind of like three pieces framed to be one. It's surprisingly calming.

  11. Hi Carole,
    I love the subtle images peeking out in the newsprint. My favorite thing is the variety of media you used:
    "newspaper on batting, then adhered to a 'texturized' canvas".
    Will you use these media in other things?
    You might experiment with different backgrounds to find one you like. Maybe fiddle with it in Photoshop if you have that.


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