Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Trangles Blowing in the Wind

I am late!! Charter my server's new modem had problems and kept crashing my computer...between a computer tech and charter repair... I was finally back on line on the due date for this challenge.

I found this small block all triangles and since I was late... decided to use it for the one shape

challenge. a little box of "dog-ears" (tiny triangles) saved for a future use :) A piece of misty-fuse..sprinkled with the "dog-ears"...covered with sparkled net and ironed down and quilted with triangle embroidery stitches. The edge finish I used the one I use for my fabric post cards ...yarn held next to the edge and stitched with embroidery stitches. The post cards have a stiff interfacing and the finish also worked well with the softer edges. Light and dark windmills on the piece... I added some beads and sequins in the center of the windmills. I'm thinking I didn't need them..they are not triangles!


  1. Janice,
    I love the color scheme of the blocks, a muted yellow-purple complementary on my monitor. The little triangular bits give it a a cheerful touch and lots of movement - like birds fluttering overhead.
    Like you said, the sequins break the rules! and I don't think you need them either.
    I love that you used your stretch stitch on me an idea.
    :Diane - yarngoddess

  2. It's very pretty - and I'm sure the Quilt Police won't get you for adding a couple beads. ;) The edge treatment is very nice, I can't wait to try it myself.

  3. Neat idea using the dog ears, nice piece.

  4. And I thought I was the only one who saves EVERY little scrap...LOL I love this one, nice interpretation of the challenge.

  5. Janice.... this just sparkles! Great way to blend traditional and modern ... Good job!

  6. I love your use of those dog-ears. I keep trying to declutter, but then I see how well something like this works and I have to add another box to my saved-for-future-use shelf.


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