Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fourth and Final Attempt

Thank you Betty, for a very, very, challenging challenge! Somewhere in the reading material I noticed a comment: Bad color fields are easy to do, good colorfields are hard to do. How true!

The piece measures 14" x 17". Three previous attempts, which in no way resemble this piece, have fallen by the wayside.

I started with a piece of wet, white cotton. I painted/globbed lumeiere green and bronze paint in two bands across the middle of the fabric. I then smooshed it around and let it drip in two directions. It was intresting that the green paint separated into gold and green while it dripped. Once it was sort of dry I painted a wash of setacolor paint at the top and bottom.

Even though color fields are traditionally flat I decided to free-motion quilt it. After all, it IS a quilt!


  1. Veronica, good for you for working through the three bad ones to get to a good one. I think it paid off! The luminescence of the paint makes it very interesting, as does the way your quilting defined the color areas. I think this is one of the best so far, both at meeting the challenge and at just making a good work of art.

  2. This is a gorgeous piece! I think that your use of cool and warm colors is really effective. The organic shapes which you created through your painting method is very interesting and draws the observer in. Doing only selective quilting was a great choice for this piece. There is definitely tension, overlapping, and no sense of image versus background. If it needs a home you can send it my way!

  3. Hi Veronica, interesting edges, fields of color transitioning into each other, variation with the color fields...this looks like a Color Field painting! Adding some wonderful stitching to that and you created a really good art quilt!

  4. This is stunning and very successful for this challenge. I like how your stitching helps define the shapes without destroying the blending of the soft edges.

  5. This is a very lovely piece Veronica, and how clever to let your paint run and do the job...This is a technique I can see being used for many effects. I see a landscape but I know that it isn't..I like it a lot!

  6. Beautiful, I love the colors and the thread work.

  7. Veronica, Ditto what everyone else said. This is a really wonderful piece. I wouldn't change a thing. Well done!

  8. Great job! Love the flow you have achieved. Well balanced and yet cohesive and nice to hear that you failed in your first attempts.. I'm still in the "failed" class with mine. Gives me hope that it might still work! haha

  9. The transition of colors was handled beautifully as was your quilting lines.

    Judy Rys

  10. Love the glow to this piece... and the story of its creation. Congrats on your perserverance. I think its one of my favorites for this challenge.

  11. Veronica,
    I love the colors and effect you achieved with the paint. You have reproduced the color washes and glazed layers used in the canvas paintings.
    The quilting of these color field quilts seems tricky. I like your approach of outlining the areas.
    Penny Irwin


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