Thursday, December 02, 2010


Thanks for the great challenge Wendy. I chose rectangles and had a lot of fun, all the fabric is out of the scrap box., except for some of the rusted fabric that I used. I have done a highrise, only the old fashion sense of the word. I've tried to portray the way the light may shine through the canyon, I do believe it has some depth.  I drew out the design and started putting rectangles down, it was a very time consuming process but worth the effort. I look forward to your critiques. The piece measures 17"x21".
Now it is off to look at the challenge pieces that have been submitted.


  1. Rhoda... wow! Being a resident of the great SW, I love pueblos and cliff houses and ruins.... this quilt just takes me to Taos and White House and lots of beloved places. Love the depth, color choices, even the little ladders in the middle... and all with the common theme of rectangle! Great job!

  2. Thanks Wendy, this was a fun challenge. There are four ladders going up. I had a lot of fun doing it out of the scrap box.

  3. I love this piece Rhoda! What a fun way to use rectangles and it's just abstract enough to add to the excitement of this piece. Your fabric choices are wonderful and add to the earthy colors of pueblos.

  4. This piece is very pleasing to my eye. I really appreciate this style of southwest houses. There is a great deal of contrast in the piece and the colors used work very well together. The perspective is also present through the use of color and size. I think this is a wonderful example for this challenge.

  5. Oh my Rhoda, this could be one of my photos of cliff dwellings! Your use of shadows and light creates terrific dimension. I never considered it before, but I guess these dwellings were some of the original 'highrises'. Excellent response to the challenge!

  6. I love your piece--wish I had made it. the colors and the design are very pleasing. Rosemary In St. Louis

  7. This is wonderful! You have achieved so much depth with the fabrics you chose, love the shadows and the little posts sticking out of the buildings.
    Great job on the challenge.

  8. Well done, I like how the the lighting is. The light on the bottom the dark on top. Just a few hints of color.

  9. I really, really like this quilt. The placement of the colors and the choice of colors are wonderful. The wood?? that sticks out at the angle is very effective.
    Veronica Von Zwehl

  10. Really, really ... a piece to covet! I love your fabric and color choices... the hidy-holes aka doorways and windows... looks so Mediterranean. The use of the cobalt really lends itself against the white/grey. A Master you are my friend...
    so well done!

  11. Hi Rhoda...fabulous piece...I think you should do another larger one and enter it in the Tactile Architecture show.
    Great chiaroscuro, too

  12. Thanks Cynthia, I missed the chiaroscuro challenge, and you are so right this would fit :)
    Thanks for your comments.


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