Sunday, January 23, 2011

Challenge #51 and #52

I decided to combine 51 and 52. I sort of kept the idea I had for 51 and changed the fabrics to be better suited for 52. There is no story behind it. No meaning to any of the squiggly shapes. Just what I felt like doing as I went along with no explanation as to why I did any of it, except that I do make a lot of things using the hexagon shape. If you click on the hexagon label on my blog, most of them should come up.


  1. I think it's a pretty darned good combo. I love the quilting on it.

    I wonder what it would look like if you reduced the size of the two larger hexes, bigger than the maize colored hex on the upper right corner...but not as big as you have. It might be fun to play around with this a bit more.

    Lisa Quintana

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  3. You did an excellent job on this quilt. I am a free spirited quilter so I really appreciate how you "sort of" combined 51 and 52.

  4. Thank you Lisa and Susan for your nice comments. I really enjoyed working on this. That's an interesting thought, Lisa. I might just play with that on my next hexagon piece!

  5. Combining challenges is a great idea! Wish I'd thought of that! I really like the impact of this piece, almost "Tetris" but with hex shapes. The quilting really highlights the shape and placement.... hmmmm, I might need to play with hexes a bit more. Great job!

  6. Debbie--I love the use of different size hexagons. And the quilting is beautiful. I love the linear aspects. It could be interesting to try something similar with "transparency" in the overlap between the two large hexagons. I love the idea of combining 2 challenges when behind.


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