Saturday, January 01, 2011

Challenge 52 - "Spinal Dance"

This is a quilt top I started in a workshop last spring. When this challenge was announced, I thought of a few ideas. I found this subject very hard to grasp.

This quilt is totally out of my realm. I rather like the begining rough, but felt it was too small. First I added paint to the workshop piece to try and 'square it up' for quilting. I still felt it was too small, so I added irregular borders. This looked to stark. So I painted and painted and painted some more.

Today I quilted. Not totally happy with the result. However, I am thrilled to have this finished. My first quilt of 2011.

Spinal Dance
18" x 29.5"


  1. Ann, Wonderful color, texture and quilting. Can't comment on the Color Field portion but I really like this piece. Lots of movement and so much "to see".

  2. Hi Ann: Great use of color. I think the dark border works really well, especially with the additional paint flowing into it - it really becomes and integral part of the design. The flowing quilting lines add a lot of movement. Great job - makes me want to pull out fabric and start playing. Veronica

  3. I really like your piece and the fact that you used a UFO as your vehicle! To me, it is very effective. The random way in which the colors are placed, the overlapping of colors and the paint with the background showing thru are just beautiful. I like the uneveness of design and the way it fades away. Your quilting is wonderful. IMHO it meets a lot of the colorfield style according to the small grasp which I have garnered of this concept.

  4. I like the Spinal quilting design. I bet a neurologist would love to have this framed and on the wall of their waiting room. With so much detail, it's intriguing to look at, much like a nervous system.

  5. This is a great quilt, I love the colours and textures. Your quilting is gorgeous.

  6. Ann... way to go girl! This is fabulous!! I like the colors, the quilting... and that you took the dive with a UFO. Because I am not capable of a real critique... I just know I like it!

  7. Does anyone know of a doc that might like to buy it. LOL.


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