Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Late and Still Uncertain!

This has been a great challenge, in an area I knew nothing about. There have been so many examples and so much to study about color fields and I still, like many others, don't feel I have a true understanding of color field. However, that also gives us the opportunity to interpret the challenge with our best guess!
I am so late and also so unfinished with this, but I'm hoping for a few helpful hints from you wonderful critique-ers. My leaves are semi-sheer and fused and I usually would just plop on some yarns and maybe some crystals, quilt the jeepers out of it and call it good! I think I want to aim at a little more sophistication this time, though. My first dilemna is that I can't even decide if I want it round or square!

I added a detail of the leaves, too, to show a little of the overlapping sheers and the little bit of sewing I have added already.

You have all done such inspiring work on this challenge...thanks for helping me to expand myself!


  1. My vote would be for the round version, I'm not sure why, though. I think the metallic thread adds another layer of interest, too.

  2. I'd say round also -- of course, I'm biased toward the non-rectilinear anyway! Or maybe, a shape that echoes the leaf shapes!

  3. I vote for a leaf shape. Nice colors and I like the layers of transparency with the touch of metallic. Good job.

  4. I like the shapes in this piece, and I am thinking some kind of irregular finished shape might set those off. I particularly like those ghost leaves on top. But I was wondering if you added one more ghost leaf that was a yellow or green. It might, of course, do nothing or destroy the beautiful balance of shape you have here but might be worth a try.

  5. Thanks for all the good ideas. I do have some greens and some blue that might be useable for additional shapes if I change the scale of leaf....lots of ideas here for enhancing this...thanks again!


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