Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Sunset on Emerald Lake

I was out of town until last Sat. night (our due date) and had no internet for two weeks, so a very late start on this one.

I have attempted to achieve the feeling of broad brush strokes blending into one another using all sheers (again :-)). I layered two pieces of each sheer slightly shifted on each other to blur the, red, blue-green and dark green and the center strip is a sort of variegated metallic fabric with all the colors shifting with the light. The "batting" is off white organza and the backing is black chiffon (to deepen the colors).

There is no machine stitching and no fusible used. I layered all the pieces, basted in place, then quilted the pieces in place using matching metallic threads and a loosely, sort of organic, uneven running stitch to represent the individual fibers from a paint brush.

It was really hard to get a good picture due to the light reflecting on the ripples created by the stitching and the shiny materials. This one also looks great backlit.

The piece measures 25"x30"

This was a real thought provoking challenge and I hope I got it right. Thanks Betty for introducing us to a new (to me) concept. I think I will try to do more.

Any comments and especially your thoughts on what if any emotion experienced would be greatly appreciated...



  1. If you were trying to evoke a feeling of serenity, you accomplished that for me. I am so impressed with your use of sheers and your threadwork is perfect for the subject.

  2. Cherie, I really like the way the colors seem blended and soft. I think this piece has good balance. Nice job!

  3. You inspire us to start using sheers in our work as they are very effecive. Nice job. Very pleasing composition and good quilting to convey brush strokes.

  4. I really like this piece. Great use of color and you achieved such wonderful texture with your stitching.


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