Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Challenge 53
As a quilting artist I loved this challenge, I have done portraits in the past - my Granddaughter at 13- with some fair results. (of course she thought it was embarrassing) However 3D was a new path for me. I started with a photo. I thread painted, used pigmented acrylic ink, fabric paint, her hair is recycled threads and yarn. This is a self portrait, which was taken in my sewing room. If you look closely ,my sewing machine, Beryl, is in the back ground.
I am happy with the results, I always travel to a different rhythm, I am hoping this comes close to "Trompe L'Oeil".
Imagination is the power of forming mental images of what is not present:) What a wonderful thing.
Quilting In Kentucky


  1. Susan...your self portrait is so compelling! You jump right off the page it is so 3-D. Uoyr use of light and shadow is terrific. Well done!

  2. I love the airy sort of blurry nature of your photo, and your eyes are so compelling! Nice work!
    Chris Predd

  3. This is a great piece. I love the 'wonkiness' of your hair, dress and the border fabric. What a great idea to do a self-portrait.

  4. Great job and very, very creative. I'm not sure I would be brave enough to do a self portrait. I think the binding really complements the piece. Veronica Von Zwehl

  5. Susan,
    I am intrigued by the way in which your stitching emphasizes some features. The end piece has a somewhat surreal feeling to it with the slightly out-of-focus image.
    Kathy L

  6. I agree with all the above. Especially the surreal over all feeling. Loveit

    Pat Havey


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