Saturday, February 05, 2011

Challenge 53 Table for Two

I had no time to make a piece this week so I'm posting one I made last spring. It's about 26 by 32" or so. This is one of our favorite places to have coffee outdoors, so I took a photo and used the photo as a pattern to make this piece from fabric. It was labor intensive and certainly couldn't have done it in a week! Pieces are fused, highlighted with paint when needed, then quilted. It was challenging to create the shadows on the table and chairs, and this is what I settled on. I took artistic license and changed the chair colors to red since the originals are teal and that blended in too much with the blue walls and greenery. Thanks in advance for any comments. I've enjoyed hosting this challenge even though I wasn't sure I could pull it off, and thankful to all who participated! Chris Predd


  1. Wow! This is quite wonderful. Extremely 3-D. Good handling of the highlights and shadows. I think changing the chairs to red was a great move. And by the way, thanks for hosting such an inspiring challenge.

  2. I'll forgive you for posting a previously made piece since you hosted this challenge! I like the apparent reflections of the greenery from the table top.


  3. Chris,
    Your chairs are remarkably real looking! Beautiful piece and fun challenge!
    Kathy L

  4. Nice piece Chris. Lots of depth and realism!

  5. The way you stitched (or painted) and shadowed the seats of the chairs, Chris, make them look just like an authentic photograph!

  6. What a lovely place to sit and relax!
    Wonderful dimension and realism

  7. The red in the chairs really made the piece. This is lovely and relaxing as Cherie said. For shadowing under the chairs I think all you would have to do is paint some darker lines emanating from the chair legs backwards towards the wall. But not much! Either way it's lovely.

  8. thanks everybody! Chris Predd

  9. You did a great a job on this quilt!
    I love the red - I think you pulled the 3D off:)

    Susan Ward

  10. Thanks for such a fun project. I can see why you said this one couldn't have been made in a week. It's lovely.


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