Friday, February 04, 2011

"Got You" and "Vitamin C"

The left quilt was not chosen for this year's pet challenge but seemed to fit the current challenge. A close up photo of my cat was printed onto freezer-paper-backed-cotton that had been prepared with two layers of Golden’s “Digital Grounds”. The cat’s head, front leg and the brightest areas of her fur were then heavily thread-painted. To increase the shadows surrounding the cat, the mini floral background quilt was constructed separately using fusible appliqué. The mini quilt was folded before attaching it and the thread-painted cat to a base layer of muslin. Finally, the entire piece was heavily quilted. The selective thread painting, dimensional folding and background quilting were combined to move the cat visually and dimensionally further into the foreground
For this week's challenge, the right quilt, I used fused commercial and hand dyed fabric pieces to make the orange, blueberries and beet tops and added thread painting and minimal quilting to add dimension.
Thank you again for another great challenge.
Comments appreciated Both pieces are 12" X 12"


  1. You did an great job on those orange slices and adding depth to the whole oranges. I agree that your cat piece works for this challenge as well. Chris Predd

  2. Great job! Both pieces meet the challenge wonderfully.

  3. Your fabric used for the oranges coupled with your quilting really created some great oranges. I like the way you combined the photo with the abstract background. Striking piece.

  4. Sue I think both of your quilts are wonderful and certainly fill the requirements for this challenge. I am amazed at the texture you conveyed in those oranges...excellent!

  5. Nicely done. Those beet leaves gave a resting space but the red lines in the veins really direct you around. In addition, they add a contrast to the brilliant orange. There is balance and rhythm and repetition of shapes with the berries and the oranges. Great touch on the berrie's tops to give it some liveliness and definition from the blue background without being distracting.

    One thing though, how big is this piece?

    Lisa Quintana

  6. Sue,
    I really enjoy both these pieces! Your fruit is very well done and the beet leaves look incredibly real. You did a great job in both pieces with your layout and placement of dark and light to lead the viewer's eye deeper into the work.
    Kathy L

  7. Both pieces are wonderful, but the cut fruit wedges are amazing. I feel like I would reach in and eat some. Ticia

  8. I absolutely love the oranges. What a fantastic still life. Great depth, beautiful use of color and texture, nice composition. This one has it all.

  9. You have really captured the texture on the oranges. I'd have sworn they were painted. The beet greens are also amazingly realistic.

    Pat Havey

  10. Both pieces are 12" X 12"
    Thank you for your coments


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