Friday, February 18, 2011

Tangled Tulips

Tangled Tulips, 10" x 10"

This is my second try at publishing. First one got wiped off the screen when I must have hit a wrong button.  This is also my second try at this challenge.  After spending too too too much time on my first effort, I finally decided to donate it to my local guild for a guild auction next fall.  

This time I decided to try a tangle. I like to draw them on paper.  However, stitching them is another story.    I also had a problem with paint spreading where I didn't want it too.   Just glad it is done.   Not really happy with it. Yet, "we learn by doing".  If I hadn't tried I would have failed before I had begun.  One way or another, I always learn a LOT from these challenges.   Glad to be in this group.

1 comment:

  1. Hi surely did a lot of detailed quitling amongst the tangled stems! Your painting adds dimension to your piece as well. Nice effort!
    Chris Predd


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