Sunday, March 06, 2011

My inspiration for this piece came from some words from the book, "Under the Tuscan Sun" which were "bright, colorful and swirly". I can't remember what they pertained to but the image stuck in my mind. I drew a quick sketch and tried several more versions but the first one still seemed the best. With more time, I might have explored a better design. I used my own and some purchased hand dyed fabrics plus a very dark blue (which looks black in the photo) for fabrics. The streamers were quilted using my Acufeed foot on my new Horizon. I found it easy to wiggle the fabric to make the curvy lines even with the feeddog up. The background was free motion quilted in circles with metallic thread-which of course doesn't show up at all on the photo except for a light spot here or there. I have not finished the edges yet-will probably face it. I'm not 100% pleased with the piece but it was fun to do and to use bright colors which I don't usually use.

I posted a horizontal and a vertical version. Any comments on which you like better? The piece is 17" x 21".

Nancy Schlegel


  1. the second orientation has a very exciting vivacious feel to it. I love the green curling strand.

    Although the first orientation is good, it has a placid feel...flowing down and out. but the second one flows down and out as well yet somehow you notice the 'unpredictable' strands more than you do in the first one.

    I really like this work. I hope you become more pleased with it as you finish the edges. I think your idea of facing is a good idea.
    Sandy in the UK

  2. very striking piece Nancy. I like the first orientation best since I get a real feel of 'something' just out of my vision...maybe a piƱata or a kite? I like your quilting withing the shapes, too.

  3. I like the second orientation better. The flow from top left to bottom right works better. I love the bright colors and the linear quilting in the ribbons.

  4. I think I like the first orientation best. Your perspective is wonderful.

    Pat Havey

  5. I agree with the rest, the first orientation is best.

  6. I like this piece--and I like the first (vertical) orientation better than the horizontal. Those wavy edges are great and that pebbly background quilting gives a strong contrasting texture to the streamers of color with their lines of quilting. Great color choice.


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