Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Palms Along the Beach

22 1/2" x 16 1/4"


I did after all add a bit of seaweed and shells to the beach, and a bit of shading to the far side of the point. I think it has helped; the beach seemed too empty before!


Perspective can be shown by lines that converge in the distance, so making it curvilinear suggested the waves of water coming in to a beach. The near part of the piece came quickly to me, then I decided this part of the beach was a spit of land, going back to sand and water on the other side. The palm trees provide some contrast and somewhat obscure the strictly linear horizon, which certainly could not be other than horizontal! I used eyelash yarn for the palm fronds, sewn on with a cross-hatch kind of stitch that gives some texture to them.

I may add or draw some small shells and seaweed on the beach.

As always, I appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thanks, Janice, for a fun challenge.


  1. I'm in Florida now so this is right up my alley....that yarn was great for the trees! Nice perspective.
    Chris Predd

  2. Great job Tobi. I particularly like the way the curving of the palm fronds takes the eye from the horizon back through the composition. Thanks for participating!

  3. Love the curve of the land. Making it a spit of land with water on both sides really makes this piece special.

  4. It is a strong composition, and can stand on its own without shells etc, which may be distracting. Very effective at leading the eye through the piece and I can feel that tropical breeze bending the palms from here!

  5. I think this is one of my favorite pieces that you've done! The wavy beach and water is perfect!

  6. Makes me want to go to the south pacific and the warm sun. Love the trees - great use of yarn for the leaves.

    Pat Havey


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