Wednesday, March 02, 2011

prelude to sunset

I haven't bound this quilt yet but otherwise I think it is finished. I stacked three pieces of fabric, drew curved lines and stitched on them, then cut away the unwanted fabric from each layer - rather like a mola technique. When I finished it looked alot like abstract clouds. I echo quilted the sky leaving the clouds unquilted for depth, added roving and angelina to be felted on in spots and voila- a quilt Any and all suggestions are allways welcome and taken to heart.
Thank You

Pat Havey


  1. Hi Pat, thanks for participating! I see a rolling sea with white caps and large waves in your piece. Nice job using curved lines!

  2. Looks like a summer day.
    Love the quilting on the sky, and your choice of colors.

  3. Thanks for explaining your technique. Nice abstract composition with negative space doing a good job. It has a really happy feeling.

  4. The curves and their placement lend a sense of movement. I agree that it feels happy.

    Ticia Wicks

  5. I like the sense of peacefulness that it portrays.


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