Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Red Rhythms
Charity Quilt, 28" x 29"

This months Fast Friday Fabric Challenge is dance and movement. Since I have done several ballet pieces = LOVE BALLET. Ballet Trio is one of my favorites http://designerann.blogspot.com/2009/01/my-world-in-black-and-white-entries.html
[you have to scroll down], plus one of my very few abstracts, http://designerann.blogspot.com/2011/01/spinal-dance.html.

I thought I should do something different + I wanted to make something that could be a useful piece for a charity. I wanted it to be 'happy'. I had a lovely piece of red which is the back as well as the moving pieces. I used yellow and light blue for contrast. I used as many different fabrics as I have. I thought I had a pretty good stash until I tried to find some variety. Funny because I know I have very little green, but thought I had a lot of blue. This is a very good reason for stash building. [You have my permision to use me as a reference if the need for stash building is ever questioned.]

After I had completed all of the extra red stitching, I realized I had the pressure too high and thus there is some unintentional movement of the fabric.

It is done. It is warm. It is colorful. It is the best I could do. It was done with love.


  1. Love the movement in the
    abstract quilt. Great use of red.

  2. Wonderful up & down movement. When I look at it I think of a calliope playing that wonderful old circus music.

  3. Looks great. I especially like the way you dealt with the corners.

  4. This piece shows great rhythm. I am musically challenged, and yet I can see the beat of the music in this piece.
    Nice color choices, and corner treatments as well.
    Thank you for participating.

  5. A modern day Gee's Bend quilt...nice work!

  6. This is wonderful! I can feel the beat

  7. Lucky charity that receives your bright, cheery piece.

  8. Ann, this is a very nice abstract and certainly is full of movement. Great work.

  9. The movement is great, Ann. Have you looked at it sideways? I think this is a piece that could hang sideways or upside down.


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