Monday, April 04, 2011

Canopy Dance

I love photographing bird life. When I visited my parents in Florida earlier this year I ended up with dozens of shots of a reddish egret doing his "canopy dance". This is just how they move when they are feeding. It is graceful and beautiful and a wonder to behold.

As usual, I am trying to kill two birds (not literally!) with one stone. I am giving a presentation on using soy wax in your work to my art quilt group this month and I wanted to create a piece for the challenge using that method.

This piece is not yet quilted but I wanted to offer it up for viewing before the next challenge arrived so here it is. Besides, I am thinking seriously about mounting it unquilted. I am starting to collect a number of bird paintings on fabric that have been finished that way.

Thanks, Linda, for a great challenge!


  1. Love the colors, love the bird! This one will be great to see when it is quilted.

    Lisa Quintana (Michigoose)

  2. I like the way you captured the movement of his leg in the water, and the glow of light on the grasses. I'm not sure if I would quilt it either, it is very nice as is, but then quilting the water and grass a bit might make the bird pop out?

  3. Me too...Wonderful!
    I wish I were in your group, I'd love to learn this technique

  4. Kathy this is a beautiful piece. Love the use of shading in his/her wings and on the water. You captured the gracefulness. Your soy wax paintings have great color and depth.

  5. Beautiful painting, I would love to see it quilted. I like the movement in the water and water dripping off the bird, lot's of movement.


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