Saturday, April 02, 2011

Leaves Dancing in Water

I usually really spend too much time thinking about our challenges. This time, I thought "Wow! Now I can make that quilt I did the drawing for in 2004 and never got around to making it...but with moving half of my stuff out of my sewing room....with the "help" of my sister-in-law getting ready to paint and refloor the room, I couldn't find it.

I've also been having horrible problems with my hands (newly diagnosed lymphedema--that is swelling, an infection in my fingernails and my fingernails getting loose from the finger, I'm having trouble doing hand sewing. So...while this one has a binding on the front, I haven't whipped it to the back yet. This is a tiny piece, only 8 1/2" x 6 1/4"...but I knew I'd be able to complete it...quickly for once! Usually with a small piece, I'd face it and not have a binding, but I wanted to frame this one.

My idea was inspired by running across these lovely iridescent sequin leaves. I used a bluish sparkly sheer for the eddy in the water and machine quilted it with a YLI holographic thread. The background fabric is a sort of imitation shibori print. I had to rip out the quilting on one side because it didn't follow the eddy well enough and if I hadn't had to do that, then I would have made the deadline! YAY!

Now the extra good news is that I'm almost done with two examples for challenge 54 and I have the "metallic" one from last year just about done as well. :) I'm making progress!

As usual critiques and comments are always welcome.

Lisa Quintana (Michigoose)


  1. Nice piece. I like the swirling & the sparkle of the leaves dancing down.

  2. I really like this piece, the colors are very appealing and you did a nice job quilting. You are correct sometimes we over think projects. GJ

  3. I like the use of the sheer for the eddy and the movement it creates in the piece. Very nice.

  4. Oh yes Lisa, I can see the leaves floating down the stream, very nice.


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