Friday, April 01, 2011

Classical Indian Dancers

The Classical Indian dancers’ movement of hands, feet, and expressive face tell a story set to soothing, melodious music.

The fused dancers were designed in Make the Cut software.
Hand embroidery, beads, bells, trims, Paintsticks, watercolors, and machine quilting

It is 36”w x 12” h


  1. What a great piece. Shows lots of movement and dance along with fun costumes. Good color choices.

  2. Wow, you got such expression in these dancers...beautifully done! Love the background quilting and the border trim...fits very nicely with the dancers.

  3. I really liked how you used the "shadow" figures along with the fully colored/realistic ones. I'm wondering what it would be like if you put a thin line of tan or gold along your "frame." Just a line of satin stitch or something....I feel the need to give it just a little richness and deliniation.....but I think that may just be a highly personal reaction.

    Very nicely done...I love the hand positions and the progression as well as the ones where they hands break out of the center going to the outside edge.

  4. Thanks...That is a great idea. My quilt was not completely finished when I took the photo as I rushed to make the deadline.
    I was planning on adding another border or trim next to the beige trim and placing it in a black frame.

  5. Meena, this is so expressive. The embellishments are wonderful and the shadow dancers really add to the overall feeling of dance, wonderful work.


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