Friday, April 01, 2011

Dance and movement

dance like no-one is watching
This piece is  15" x 12".  The background is hand painted, shibori style.  Is the room spinning or is the girl spinning? Or both?
The dancer was traced onto Lutrador and colored with markers, then fused onto the background.  Musical notes add to the rhythm.  A simple piece, and fun to make.
Your comments are welcome.


  1. A nice piece which certainly catches the dancer's movement. I could wish the words were put in more the way the music was, so that they would emphasize the movement rather than partially obscuring the wonderful skirt.

  2. Hi Linda, yes, definitely captures the movement and music. My only comment is somewhat lack of value contrast. If you blur your eyes, there's not alot of value/color contrast...though maybe it's the photo.
    Good work and wonderful challenge!

  3. I agree about Cynthia Ann's comment...although the movement and the image really speaks to me. I haven't used my Lutradur yet...(I guess I'm saving it for when I die!!!), but I suspect that it doesn't carry the color as well or that you might have to super saturate it.

    Love the colors you chose, but I think the girl could be more vibrant so your eye really gets the richness you were portraying...Great job!

  4. Linda, it is so cheerful and lot's of movement. Her skirt especially draws ones eyes to movement. Nice work.


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