Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dancing leaves

When I looked at Mr. Goldsworthy's work, it seemed to me that he took natural objects and showed them in unnatural, often geometric forms. In addition, it appeared that he often colored, greased, or otherwise altered the appearance of the objects. I enjoyed using the complex background, but found it difficult to make the leaves stand out against it. The plain diagonal quilting was intended to take the background, back and let the leaves stand out in relief. Thank you for such an interesting challenge. Ticia


  1. Your leaves are beautiful and I like the background and the quilting does work well with it. You have some very dark and some very light fabric in the background and it is showing up sharply. Perhaps if the background were all middle value fabrics and the leaves were very light and/or dark values, they would be more in the foreground.

  2. The background is very interesting and must have taken some time to complete. I am a big fan of leaves also and really appreciate the diagonal pattern of the background. Have you thought of lightly shading around the leaves with paint, colored pencils, lacey stitching, etc. to lift them off the backgound.

  3. Fantastic use of background. I think you were very smart to use the diagonal quilting in the the piece to allow the leaves to pop.


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