Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Nature's Rhythm

I'm not sure if I got the challenge right, but this is what I came up with. The quilt is approximately 20" X 20". It is raw edged and the Angel Fish is hand applique. I did some quilting, but it doesn't show very well. I may undo and redo. All comments welcome.


  1. What a wonderful way to depict movement with the water, plants (?), coral (?). What if you would have quilted with a green thread or such? This is so fanciful and wonderful.

  2. Love that background...and a great job of the fish. What would happen if you added more to the 'aquarium?' so your fish doesn't look so lonely... maybe ..since Mr Goldsworthy adds circles, braids, unusual shapes to his nature items.. like a braid of kelp? or a wobbly sand castle? Just thoughts... and out loud...

    The colors are fantastic.

  3. I agree with Carole that another fish would be company for the angel fish. I also wonder about either making the fish really different in value to the background, or emphasising the camouflage idea by having a black stripe in the background. Fascinating to see how the image gives us lots of ideas of underwater while being abstract. He looks so purposeful!

  4. This piece makes me smile! I really like all the bright fabrics and the way in which you have turned the blocks adds a lot of interest and movement. Would you consider adding some bubbles moving upward on this piece for added interest? It is a great piece.

  5. What a happy quilt! I like the stripes on the fish connecting with the stripes in the background but standing out because of the color. But I also feel that something more--another fish, seaweed?--might be worth trying.

  6. Yes, I'm going along with the comments for more objects - either fish or plants or both. Love the colors of the background. If you're going to redo the quilting you might incorporate the idea of more fish and plants in the stitching. Even bubbles...

  7. I adore your background it is the perfect sea for this lone fish. I too wish I could see the quilting but imagine it is quite nice.


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