Monday, April 25, 2011

Winters Tale

Winters Tale
I really like Andy Goldsworthy and like his nature inspired work. I have been working with raw silk, as in fusion, inclusions and a lot of experimentation. When I read the requirement of using an unusual background I thought my silken web looked like the 'ground graffiti' of spring after the thaw. Not unusual to find the skeletal remains of what lived before the snow and ice and that is what my piece depicts. I used the skeletal 'bones' for the rhythm and the flowing water marks to repeat... in a sense.
This piece is on a base of black dupioni silk... the silk fusion stitched through with Honeysuckle [color] floss, then silk thread in my machine for the water..... the Japanese symbol is the 'spring' symbol. It is faced.
It was fun to do and I have another silk work in progress.

I am looking forward to your comments.....


  1. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  2. Carole, I love the term "ground graffiti," I knew exactly what you meant. I think the idea of multiple layers accumulating comes through well in your piece. I also like the flowing quilting and the Japanese symbol. There is something about the zigzag "bones" that I'm not crazy about. I think I liked them better before I read that they were representing bones. The smooth curves and sparkled material don't say "bones" to me. I really enjoy hearing (reading) your thought process when creating a piece like this, thanks for sharing.

  3. The silk fusion is very textured and beautiful and the quilting moves nicely through the piece. The analogy of bones does not bother me, as that is the basic structure of most living things. I am pretty sure that aging them in the elements would temper a lot of the sharp elements usually found on them. I like your use of the Japanese symbol (writing) and the use of hand stitching in the piece. The piece has a very organic feel to it with the free form edges of the fusion along with the varying depth of the layers of the silk roving allowing the background to show through. Great work!

  4. When I first saw this, I thought of water in a stream running over and under ice... love the variety of textures and contrasts...

  5. This has a lovely sense of rhythm and flow - especially the water stitching. I can't wait to see more of your silk work. Ticia

  6. Your ground graffiti is a wonderful focal point.


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