Saturday, May 28, 2011

Art Deco Challenge

With the knowledge that I'm leaving on a trip on Thursday, I decided this would have to be a Frantic Fast Friday Fabric Challenge. So I read some of the descriptions and came up with key words-symmetry, curves, lines. I make a quick sketch on half of an 11 x 8/12 piece of paper, traced it on the other half and went searching for fabric. I came up with black silk from an old pair of silk pants, and gold, silver, and bronze lame. Then I decided to use some copper metal that I had for the circle. I fused the gold and silver lame, satin stitch the edges and stitched a straight line next to each one. The areas in between were stitched in black metallic thread. I put holes in the circle using a nail and hammer and attached the pendant. That may not be quite art deco, but it was the best I could do today and I think it adds to the circle. Since this was just a play piece, I just cut it to size and did not bind it. I enjoyed using the lame that I've had owned for years (and found a whole drawer of it that I had forgotten about!). This is a simple response to the challenge but I'm pleased with it and for actually getting it done.


  1. It definitely has an Art Deco feel to it!

  2. Sometimes 'simple' is best. I think yours is a very effective piece with simple lines depicting Art Deco.
    Enjoy your trip!

  3. Simple but effective. The boldness of the colors along with the linear shapes is great. The quilting adds greatly to the feel of the piece. Travel safely!

  4. I also love the simplicity of your piece. Th metallic center is truly art deco looking. Your quilting certainly adds another dimension to it.

    Pat Havey

  5. Love the simple lines and the use of the metal and bead. Very nice.

  6. Wonderfully simple and elegant! Love it!

  7. Love the linear simplicity of this one. Very nice

  8. Very Art Deco and it also has an architectural feel to me, so I think you captured the style perfectly.

  9. Sometimes simple is better :)
    I like it it's very elegant and definitively Art-Deco in my opinion.
    I like the copper circle, it adds interest.
    nice job :)

  10. Very elegant and I like that it could be a close up snapshot of a much larger piece.


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