Friday, May 06, 2011


Hi :) finally I've managed to do a challenge :)
Here's my piece: Seashells 01

It is a small framed quilt (9x6.5 quilt in a 11x8.5 frame).
To paint the background I've played with flour paste as resistant, then I've applayed spray fabric paint in green, blue and yellow. After a cure period I've removed the dry flour paste :)
Then I've added the 3 square shapes by brushing paintstik from a freezer-paper stancil to the fabric.
I've quilted (freehand) on the edges of the square shapes and on the perimeter then I've added seashells I picked up last autumn in Cesena (Adriatic sea).

Since I had a big piece of the background fabric I did a series, so I've got another quilt of this same size and 4 smaller quilts, all framed, all different :)

Comments are welcome :)


  1. Silvia,

    What a great piece you did. The flour paste resist is neat, but what I really like is the squares which really look very dimensional and such a simple way to achieve that. The lines are very organic and cause mmovement throughout the piece and the seashells give my eyes a place to rest plus add lots of texture and interest to our piece. Done very well IMHO.

  2. What a lovely interesting piece, using different techniques. Like Louise, I think the dimensionality of the squares using paintsticks is very effective. How did you attach the seashells?

  3. Thank you very much Julia and Louise.
    It really helps me to know how your eye perceive my quilt. When I finish a quilt I usually ask for opinion to my mum, husband and some friends, but you know, they are biased (hope this word is correct) so they tell me "wonderful great wow" every time.

    About how I attached the shells...
    In this case I simply glued them with hot glue but I've done also a big, more serious, quilt with shells. In that case I glued sort of metal hooks inside the shells and used them to sew the shells on the quilt.

    If you want to see the other quilts of this serie you can check my blog :)

  4. Great background! Thanks for sharing the details. I like the piece. The shells add some interesting dimension.


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