Saturday, June 04, 2011

Art Deco Triangle

19" x 19"

I have been looking lately how to use some bits and pieces of fancy cords and lace, and they seemed to fit in well for this purpose. This piece used up all of that loopy white edging inside the triangle and most of the red, blue and gold cord. The rosettes are the same red fabric inside the triangle along with some lace. At the corners, I unraveled the last four inches of the cord and trimmed them.

The outer pieces of cord I added because my husband thought that the triangle looked just a bit suggestive!

This was fun to put together, but I'm just not sure how much I like it!

Comments are welcome, along with suggestions for a title.


  1. I like this, Tobi! Congrats on working 'out of the box' on this challenge. Since I'm not clear on Art Deco vs. Nouveau I'll have to say you did well depicting it.

  2. great use of odds and ends. I keep trying but only get more and never fewer. Looks art-deco to me. Good going!

  3. This has a decidedly far east feel to me.Very interesting...and I love the colors!

  4. At first glance this looked very Victorian to me, so it may not fit my idea of the theme. However, it's an awesome way to use up bits and pieces cohesively and it's a very cool project. It could be a super alternative to a Christmas wreath even!

  5. Your pieces always have such interesting shapes and you used your leftovers very effectively. Sometimes it's extremely difficult to use smaller scraps. Good job.

  6. I like your idea of using bits and pieces for your work. I see some nice curvy shapes which remind me of either art deco or noveau. The shape of the finished piece is nice and the texture gained by unraveling the cording is great.


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