Friday, June 03, 2011

Hey Baby!! Ya Wanna Dance?

I don't know the different art styles so I hope I got this almost right based on what I've read. At least I got it finished on time. That hasn't happened too often lately.

The background was machine pieced and quilted and the people were hand appliqued.

It is 21" x 18"


  1. Cute piece Betty. You have a great way of communicating the thoughts and attitudes of your characters. I can just see her saying, "Hmmm, this is one shady character!" And your stepping background definitely is an Art Deco feature.

  2. I agree with the background being balanced and the center piece (a brooch?) speaks Art Deco. The characters really say lots. They're of the period and I agree with Sharon on her wariness of the man. Like it.

  3. My background is in musical theatre
    and this looks like something from one our plays. visually very exciting.

  4. Betty! The 'players' are perfect and I love the dance hall! The wall medallion looks like an ornate Art Deco Mirror. Well done

  5. Thank you everyone. That is a mirror on the wall but I didn't know it was art deco. I just wanted a mirror there and I just happened to have that one.

  6. I really like the color scheme on this work and the interest which the geometric shapes add. The fact that your figures are off center makes the piece more interesting and that along with their more organic shape gives my eyes a resting place. I am not sure about the center medallion, as that is where my eye is immediately drawn and it is hard to get away from it. Maybe if it were not centered, moved up some, or smaller it would be more pleasing to me. It is a nice piece.


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