Wednesday, June 01, 2011

"Retro Postcards and Dancing Poppy"

Since I wasn't happy with angular poppies, I made art deco postcards to answer this challenge.

My piece this week seemed to be art nouveau. It is 12" X 12". To accomplish the poppy cutout, I put my photograph into PS Elements and used the "stamp" effect (under dropdown filter: sketch), changed the texture using "conte crayon"(in the same drop down), printed out a black and white image to use as a pattern. The visual color compliments seemed to work best for the seed head, stylized leaves and lines. I heavily quilted all the background areas to make the poppy dimensional. Organza ribbon was fused as edging.

The best part of Fast Friday is the art education in each challenge. Thank you for another great one. Comments appreciated.


  1. Your postcards work wonderfully for the geometric and stylized art deco design...almost a feeling of looking through stained glass. I love your color choices for the poppy design. However, just to me, I'd love the poppy to be slightly less abstracted. It doesn't seem to flow as well as the leaves and shapes around it. If we weren't aiming for art deco, I would never even think that, though!

  2. Love the postcards! They certainly say "Deco" to me. I agree that the poppy might be more "Noveau" but hey, who cares? It's a beautiful piece, and very well executed. I really admire your quilting.

  3. I have no idea if they are deco or not but I like them.

  4. Love thase postcards...definitely Art Deco! The abstract is lovely as well. You nailed it!

  5. Great postcards!! Your abstract has great quilting and I like the color composition and think the piece is well balanced.

  6. This poppy just speaks to me! I really like your use of bright colors and the flower literally dances off the work! The filters which you used in PSE have taken a simple object and made it very complex and interesting. The lines on the piece add lots of movement to take my eye through the piece along with the touches of poppy red on the opposite corners. What a great job you did.


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