Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Forest Light

Part of my personal challenge is to always use what's on hand for the FFC adventure!  These are the same colors I dyed for my St. Omer Labyrinth (American Quilter, May issue, and soon to be a pattern for AQ! -- end of shameless self promotion!).  I'm doing a mystery quilt with my guild and had enough leftover to use the same colors for that quilt as well.  And the scraps were just laying on the cutting table anyway, so why not?

I love walking in the forest and every once in a while, a solitary beam of sunshine will peak thru the canopy of trees.  It's always a magic moment!  As I read the challenge that was my very first thought!  So then how to depict it?  I just used the leftover 1" strips from the piped binding.  I wanted it subtle and abstract... and I'm happy with the results!

Click on the pic to enlarge and see the sunbeam quilting.  It's a little one... 6.5 x 17.5."  Thanks for a great challenge, Ann!  Comments, of course, are welcome!


  1. I like this very much, Wendy. It's always challenging to communicate a concept abstractly, but I think you did a good job. The variation in the green fabrics suggests the forest tree trunks, and the quilting certainly references the beams of sun. Nice piece!

  2. Hi Wendy,
    What a grreat way to portray solitude in the forest. I can almost feel the sunlight streaming through between the leaves. Simplicity at its best.

  3. You've done a beautiful job of portraying the light glowing through the forest.


  4. Wow, I love how well the feeling of sun streaming through the trees is conveyed in this elegantly simple abstract. Beautiful!


  5. Wendy, Very pleasing - I usually don't care for starkly abstract, but I truly like your composition. I, too, feel this when standing in a heavily forested spot. Wow, you dye your own fabrics - I have not dared to venture into that myself. Sandi Cannarella


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