Saturday, August 06, 2011

Cat in the Window

18 1/2" x 18 3/4"

When I thought of solitude, I thought of how a single cat sitting in a window will always center itself perfectly as if framed by the window and look perfectly at home there all by itself. The cat image came together rather quickly. What took more time in this piece was the brick wall edging, which I designed and pieced in strips.

I don't know if I got the representational abstract aspect down here, but I think the solitude aspect is there! It was a fun challenge -- thanks, Ann!

Critiques welcome.


  1. Tobi, I think you got both parts of the challenge right. You captured the feeling of solitude and the essence of a cat in the window and as I understand it, that is what representational abstract is.

    I love the irregular shape that echos the contours of the cat. Great piece!

  2. Dear Tobi, I love this! What a wonderful depiction of solitude, as enjoyed by both cats and their owners. She looks like one of mine. And great brick work - lots of work. Sandi Cannarella

  3. Hi Tobi, what a great border treatment...very lively!


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