Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ray of hope

From the smallest candle shines a ray of hope we have heard throughout our lives. At this time of disaster all rays of hope I am sure are welcome. This piece is raw edge and many overlays of fabric - simple and direct.

Pat Havey

I took Jans suggestion and added quilt lines radiating from the white.


  1. Pat, I like the idea you're conveying with the candle and light source. I do think there is too much black. What if you used a colored thread to quilt lines following the contour of the grey out to the edge of the black? Maybe start with lighter by the grey working towards more darkness in the upper left corner to show it diminishing there rather than such a sharp ending at the grey?

  2. You have certainly portrayed your idea. What if you had some other lighter colors to set the 'mood' a bit more? I do like it, and love the message.

  3. Hi Pat, love the idea and how you did the candle, but do agree with the expanse of black. You could crop off a few inches of the black and I think your light would pop more
    Good job

  4. Pat, you have captured the feel of hope in this piece very well. It made me think of the candles in windows that I see at Christmas. I agree that a small amount of color might make it pop. Perhaps something slightly golden from the orange flame. Ticia

  5. Pat, With today being 9/11. The concept of what you are saying is so real. All the turmoil and grieving is brought to the surface. Nice idea. I like the way you quilted this. I like Cynthia's idea of cropping this off a bit. Leaving a raw edge would be a nice effect also GJ
    Susan Ward


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