Wednesday, September 28, 2011


10 X 10
I didn’t read the part that said, “a painting you love”. I was just looking at the links and as soon as I saw the palette, I immediately thought of sunflowers. My daughter thinks the painting associated with the palette is “downright creepy”. Palette is from William Blake’s “Ancient of Days”.
I made the petals by quilting scraps onto Peltex™ and then cutting out the shapes. The center was sewn in a grid onto Texture Magic™ to create the seeds and then I stuffed it for more dimension.
Thanks for the interesting challenge. This challenge gives us another way to look at art, much like the challenge using product packaging. I always find it interesting to see how people use color.
Comments are appreciated.


  1. I love the dimension that you have achieved with this piece. You used the palette and answered the challenge perfectly. I wonder what positioning the symmetric flower asymmetrically on the background grey square or using a background rectangle might do compositionally. Sue Church

  2. I love this piece! The colors are definitely fall and in the painting you used. The quilting in the sunflower center is perfect to make it appear full of seeds. Great 3-dimensinal piece which I'd love to hang on my wall.

  3. Well, Jan, I'll fight you for it. This is such a fun piece. I would love to have it, too. Looks like it was fun to make. Nice!

  4. A perfect sunflower for fall. Very creative! The petals look fabulous as does the center of the flower. I have never used textured magic, I am going to check it out. You have given me some ideas! I also really like the painting you used as an inspiration!

  5. This is a really nice piece and the color palette really works well in the sunflower. Leaving the petals unattached adds a lot of dimension and the quilting on them adds even more texture. The center is very interesting and coupled with the black behind the flower, really grounds the work.

  6. I really love this piece. Each time a new quilt is uploaded I go through them all again and I just like the sunflower more each time I see it....amd yes, it would look great on one of my walls :)


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