Friday, September 30, 2011

Van Gogh Colors

I used Van Gogh's "L'Arlesienne: Madame Ginous with Books for my colors.

The leaves are real hydrangea leaves that I painted.
Vase hand appliqued.
Machine quilted.

12" x 16"


  1. Nice use of the colors and I like the arched shape. The picture doesn't enlarge any to see your quilting. Interesting use of the real leaves. Were they dry when you painted them? Will they crumble do you think?

  2. Wow "real hydrangea leaves " I really like the combining of textures and the earth with the fabric
    I would be interested in how you secured the painted leaves. Obviously you secured with a sealer of some sort. Thinking out of the box - is what an art quilting is all about! Very nice job.

  3. Wow "real hydrangea leaves " I really like the combining of textures and the earth with the fabric
    I would be interested in how you secured the painted leaves. Obviously you secured with a sealer of some sort. Thinking out of the box - is what an art quilting is all about! Very nice job.

  4. Nice piece. Good use of colors and interesting shape. Too bad the picture doesn't show the leaves better. Would like to see a close up picture.

  5. Thank you for your comments.

    To answer your questions about the painting. This time I used Golden's Liquid Acrylic and painted them while fresh. I hope they don't crumble.
    I have others that I did a year or more ago that I painted with Gesso and they are still good.

    For those who would like to see a larger picture here is a link to it on Flickr

    Click on action just above the picture and to the left and then click on all sizes.



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