Sunday, October 09, 2011

Crying Tree

There is a fabulous new artist out there named Megan Aroon Duncanson, and I have used one of her works as my color pallette inspiration. She works in wonderful, vibrant and clear colors. Her painting is called "Twisted Love". My quilt is called "The Crying Tree". I am about to throw a big downer on all of us, so I apologize in advance. My adult daughter intensely dislikes me, for reasons I can't quite understand. I raised her to be polite, thoughtful and compassionate. Yet when she interacts with me, she is none of the above. My tears fall via the leaves on my tree, but never on her. My wish is that she will come to her senses and drop her selfish attitude. The quilt is 13"x18", and all critiques are welcome.
Ann In Fallbrook,, CA


  1. I love both your inspiration and your quilt! You really chose well, and interpreted this challenge well.

  2. Well done, Ann. I think art needs to come from the heart, whether it expresses joy or sorrow. You've succeeded in communicating your sadness in your work.

  3. Ann, it's beautiful and a great response to the challenge.


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