Monday, October 31, 2011

My Take on Notan

Doing too much cutting with a scissors makes my thumb numb, so I decided to do this challenge on the computer. I started with some sailboat drawings that I had and put them into a square arrangement that I liked. When I "folded" back the cutout sails, there was too much white space. I figured that if I put it into a repeating tile design that it might work better. The first photo shows a single tile and the second shows it in a nine-patch arrangement.

This challenge was a lot of fun and gives me some ideas for repeat fabric design. Thanks!

Jean Cheszek


  1. I love the graphic nature of your repeated pattern. It would make a great fabric design. I've been working on some ideas on the computer too, but I like yours better!

  2. Jean, this is really wonderful in the expanded version... I never thought of using software to design a notan! Onward and upward. You've inspired me.

  3. I found this one really clever. What a great idea to draw inspiration from sails. It turned out great.


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