Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Challenge 63 - High Value Contrast

FFFC Challenge # 63
November 2011

Theme: Contrast
Hostess: Susan Brittingham

Experiments in Contrast and Color: Use strong value contrast in a dramatic way

In September we looked at the colors of the Old Masters. In October, we used Notan to explore positive and negative space using high contrast. This month, we continue our explorations of contrast and revisit Rembrandt‘s use of chiaroscuro.

For November, I ask you to use strong value contrast in a dramatic way. To paraphrase one of the articles below: “use chiaroscuro to achieve a dramatic intensification of
action or mood“.  I am also going to stipulate that using exclusively black and white is off limits. You must use some color in your work.

You may have seen some of these articles on chiaroscuro from previous challenges. We return to the Old Masters again and again as examples of great art.  

·         This first article focuses on the psychological effects achieved by Rembrandt’s use of light and shadow: http://www.nettonet.org/Nettonet/101%20Painting/Studies/Chiroscuro.htm
·         The next article speaks of the difference between high contrast chiaroscuro and low contrast sfumato: http://painting.about.com/od/oldmastertechniques/a/sfmuato_chiaros.htm
·         Although not specifically known for chiaroscuro, I am also sending you off to visit one of my favorite artists, Vermeer, who uses strong contrasts to paint his domestic scenes: http://www.essentialvermeer.com/
·         As you explore Rembrandt and the Old Masters once again, note their color palettes.
·         The next article examines what is known as Rembrandt Lighting, used for dramatic effect in photography and film: http://www.kuriositas.com/2011/08/chiaroscuro-and-rembrandt-lighting.html

In the world of art quilts,
·         some of the best examples I found are the works of Kate Themel The examples on her Gallery entrance page of slices of her quilts show her skillful use of strong value contrasts: http://www.katethemel.com/gallery.htm
·         Denise LaBadie has a Portal Series that shows how the use of contrast creates both depth and drama. http://www.labadiefiberart.com/Galleries/Portals/page22/Trinity_Church.html
·         Take a look at the dramatic lighting in some of Jo Diggs’ landscapes:  http://jodiggs.com/jodiggs/Gallery.html
·         The following two quilt artists have several examples each among their works,  http://www.sueholdaway-heys.com/gallery.html, check out  The Stable, and some of her higher contrast landscapes for examples 
·         http://www.lenorecrawford.com/gallery.html check out her dogwoods and On Winter’s Coming, plus some of her architectural pieces

So try using some high contrast, with color, to create a strong dramatic effect and have fun!

Susan Brittingham
Faculty Member at www.QuiltUniversity.com

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