Wednesday, December 28, 2011


This is a photo I took through my RV window as we drove by. It was just starting to sprinkle and it looked sort of surreal. I am fascinated by these wind turbines. I think they're graceful and beautiful, and so useful too!

It measures 17"x2o"

This was a fun challenge...thanks Tobi!

Comments are appreciated


  1. Even though I am not a fan of wind turbines, I love this work. The perspective and the landscape really tell the story, and move your eye through and into the piece. I also love the windy swirls in the stitching.

  2. Great job! The turbines are well done and really answer the rhythmic component of the challenge.

  3. I adore wind turbines, your quilting is exquisite

  4. I like the stillness of the wind turbines, and their precise lines and stark white contrasting with the curves and colors of the landscape.

  5. These giants are showing up everywhere. As good as they are for mankind they are not for many species of wildlife. But that aside, I love your piece. The colors and quilting used are perfect and it is calming.


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