Saturday, January 14, 2012

Partly cloudy in the desert

It's partly cloudy in the desert. This is our second painting project in the online class taught by Annette Kennedy. We used Pebeo Setacolor transparent paints to enhance the appliqued mountains, plants and highway. I have learned a lot from this class and I've found I can add more depth to an art quilt by using paints to shade the shadows and to add highlights. Thanks for a great challenge. The weather in the desert is definitely dry in this piece, but there are a few clouds floating around in the sky.


  1. This is fabulous. The part cloud is very subtle, yet adds a lot of atmosphere to that hot desert. Interesting how the painting is something you want to explore further. This is how I imagine the Painted desert to look.

  2. I love the sense of shadow, having recently played around with shadow in a recent piece myself. Good choice of colors, and the curve of the road draws the eye forward toward the mountains.


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