Monday, January 02, 2012

Sonoma Sunny Day

This quilt is acrylic ink painted on Mulberry paper, glued to muslin, sandwiched with an old wool blanket found in my daughters studio. I was visiting her in New Zealand and played with her toys.

It is my view (from Memory) from my window. I quilted it with variegated threads on the vegetation and various yarns and threads purchased in Wellington.

I love this challenge and VOW to do all this year.

Happy New Year


  1. Carol, This is some view - I envy you the sunny days at least. You are in NZ and I am pleased to be out of it this week, ChCh being my city. The highlights of your piece for me are the interplay of the static scene with the textures, which really bring it alive. The direction your eye follows from the near view across the foreshore to the sea and beyond allows the imagination free rein as to what is out there on the horizon.

  2. This reminds me of part of my visit to New Zealand several years ago, even though you say it's a scene from Sonoma! I am glad to see a day of good weather portrayed for this challenge -- looks like what we used to call "non-weather" because it it just so perfect, so comfortable to be outdoors.

  3. This is so right for the winter weather we have been having in California. I envy your wonderful view. It really draws you in.

    Pat Havey

  4. How great that you were able to play with your daughter's "toys" to do this! I love the effects of the in on the mulberry paper... It adds great texture.

  5. Wish I had this view from my window! So colorful and realistic with the colors and waves. Nice...


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