Monday, February 13, 2012


"Swinging" is from a childhood memory of a tree-house my brothers built in the back yard. We were having our home re-roofed, and the roofers put tar-paper on the tree-house roof and porch. The little girl is sitting on the tree-house porch, patiently waiting for her turn on the swing.

The background fabric is hand dyed, and then woven to represent how blurred the sky and ground get when you have been spinning on the hanging tire. The tree is commercial batik, and the tree house and children are from commercial fabrics. The leaves are more hand dyes. Size 16" x 21".


  1. It looks like a much fancier tree-house than I had; mine was a simple platform, though we did make a rope ladder to climb up to it! I love the background -- and the explanation behind it!

  2. This is charming. The fabric you choose for the background is perfect for the fun time you created.

  3. The composition is well placed, and the movement in the background really clinches the idea of the swinging tyre. I love the idea of the dizziness as well. Excellent choice and execution of the idea.


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