Friday, March 02, 2012

Line & Color

After reading the two comments, I went back and added a lot more thread work to my little quilt. Thanks for the comments---this IS much better.

I had a really good time with this. The line is from one of my walls---we live in a log home so there were a lot of possibilities. The color is a sunset picture I took one evening while on our boat. Fabrics were just not working out--so I used thread on one piece of fabric. Comments welcomed.


  1. Hi Sally, You really nailed the lines...picking up all the irregularities of the wood. Excellent job on that! The color part - there is alot of pure hue in it, so it overwhelms the more subtle colored stitching a bit. But that stitching....WOW!

  2. I think you choice of fabric was a good start for the sunset colors, and I love the way you were able to replicate the wood grain with your stitching. Like Cynthia said the color does still overwhelm a little. What if you added more gray and black thread painting like the clouds and land mass in the photo? I think with just a little more balance it would be a very nice piece.

  3. Sally, I like what you did with the additional thread softened/toned down the pure hues in some the areas plus the thread work stands out more. Great job!

  4. Your choice of color is striking to say the least! I love the vibrancy of this piece created through the quilting lines and color scheme. The touches of blue allow my eyes a place to rest and the black lines guide me through. Very nicely done.


  5. The comment about the blue thread is interesting! The thread sitting by my machine is a medium gray. Good lesson on the way colors react with each other.


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