Monday, April 02, 2012

Poppies in the Moonlight

Another challenge finished! I finished the quilting on this and it will be framed for my daughter. Only one more to go.
This piece began as fabric which I had ice dyed. In looking at it my eyes piced out the poppie shapes immediately and I decided to make them the focal point. I first stitched/quilted around them and the light green areas in the fabric. After that was done, I used fabric paint to highlight the shapes and to darken the blue areas so that the poppies and green areas would come forward. I am in the process of doing denser quilting in the blue areas and will add some beadwork when the quilting is complete. Then I will mount it on a canvas.

Louise Page


  1. This is a single piece of fabric? What a wonderful use of the serendipitous color patterns from your dye process!

  2. There is a good balance of light and dark in your piece, with lots of interest from the fragmented poppy shapes and the secondary colours showing through. Nice diagonal composition as well. The stitching will complete this excellent work.

  3. Stunning, Louise. I love the random surprises of ice/snow dying. Great illusion of depth and space in this piece. I'm so much more attracted to abstract (as opposed to pictorals).... this one really grabbed me!

  4. This is gorgeous! The quilting is very effective. Great job!


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