Friday, May 04, 2012

The Biker

The Biker is created using the principles of Closure and Proximity. The biker’s head and the bike's wheels are separate from the body made of lockwashers and yet is perceived as a group due to proximity.
 Materials: lockwashers and washers on cotton fabric


  1. Meena-that is a really inovative piece! I'm not 100% sure I would have seen it as a person on a bicycle without you mentioning it but it certainly works with my mind filling in the spaces. I can see the image better in the small photo than the large one too.

    Nancy Schlegel

  2. Very fun, Meena.... the stripes in the background add to the illusion of movement!

  3. This is a very unique and fun piece. All the different types of washers really add a lot of texture and interest. Way to think outside the box!


  4. Meena, Very creative How big is the piece? I would like to see how you quilted it. Good job

  5. Meena, Very creative How big is the piece? I would like to see how you quilted it. Good job

  6. I love it! It so perfectly matches the challenge. Interesting combo of washers, smooth and jagged. Well done for being so creative.

  7. What a neat way to interpret the challenge! Fun piece...Well done!

  8. The quilt is 9.5”x 11.5” framed.


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