Thursday, May 24, 2012

Challenge 69 - Pop Art

Challenge 69 “ Pop” Art                     May 25, 2012    Due:  June 2nd
Host: Julia Arden

Use the title or lyrics of a Beatles (or Beatles member) song to inspire you.  Collage would be an appropriate method of construction, but not essential.

Find Beatles songs with lyrics at-

This is an excellent essay on the nature of art and its components, including the trivial, which can develop into good art, following on from our Gestalt ideas of challenge 68.

Here is an example of a piece of art inspired by the lyrics of Blackbird.

In quilts, Susan Carlsson uses collage techniques, often using realistic subjects.

 David Walker is another collage expert, with many abstract examples.

Many of our members work in collage, including Cynthia Ann Morgan. Her namesake Cynthia Morgan from Australia also uses collage in her quilts.

There are many quilt artists who use collage in fabric, mixed media or photography, such as Judy Momenzadeh and Leslie Riley

There are some famous collage artists like Romare Beardon and Kurt Schwitters

Collage in general can be explored at

I had some difficulty when looking at past works by members of FFFC to decide which were collage and which were appliqué. I think for myself, collage would have to mean the assemblage of somewhat unrelated items to create an impression, rather than using appliqué to interpret a scene, landscape, portrait or abstract idea.

Have fun everyone!

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