Friday, May 11, 2012

Gestalt Leaves

18" x 24"

The gestalt principles here are similarity/differences, and proximity, to create a trio of plants.  I used reverse applique, with the base fabric being a piece of dark brown stretchy velvet, which adds a richness to the piece.  The curlicue pattern at the bottom was part of the fabric when I bought it; it seems that on the basis of a bit of an embroidered pattern, it could be imported for a lower price, as embroidery, rather than as velvet!  At any rate, I chose to keep it, and when I mounted the whole piece on foam core, decided to make the lower edge echo that shape.

Machine problems plagued the sewing of the satin stitch around the leaves, but I managed it on my older machine by going ve-e-e-e-ry slowly!

Comments welcome


  1. The velvet really does add richness to this piece. It is very pleasing to the eye with all the gentle curves. I do not envy you stitching on the velvet. Did you stabalize it before you stitched? Nice work.

    Louise Page

  2. I like the scalloped bottom, nice touch. The colors are lovely.

  3. Interesting textures, it would be good to see in person. the embroidery adds another design feature, and I like the back story! I find myself wondering what if one leaf was a different colour or pointing downwards.


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