Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Wanna Hold Your Hand:

Still Crazy and Nuts About Him After All These Years!

The Beatles' song that inspired this metal quilt is "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"

The quilt background is a crazy patch. The hands also represent a lifetime partnership.

Female hand: silver nuts . Male hand: gold washers


  1. Wow - really creative Meena! What is the size, and how did you securely attach the hardware?

  2. The nuts and washers were hand sewn.
    It has a 6” center and is 14” framed.

  3. This is such a lovely tribute to both the song & your lifetime partnership. After all, life is a lot of nuts and bolts handled together. Great job!

  4. very lovely and thought provoking. I would love to put this one on my wall.

    Pat Havey

  5. I like that the piece is framed to set it off. Great use of materials. Congratulations on many years of hand holding.

  6. These graphics are absolutely WONDERFUL!


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