Wednesday, May 09, 2012

"Mother Nature's Gift"

After a long absence from quilting or sewing of any kind (we're talking a couple of years I think!) I decided it was time to get back to it. And this challenge was the perfect place to start!
I started a couple of sketches but wasn't happy with them, but yesterday while walking to the store with my grandson I saw all these "whirlybirds" on the ground and it hit me!
The seeds  were collected by my grandson and me on the way home, I wrote the Haiku last night, and made the design today.
It is not quilted, the seeds are laid on the fabric and Haiku was put on in the computer, the leaves are laid on fabric also, but are ready for fusing.
I'm not sure how I will attach the seeds or what to do to them to preserve them, I may just put the fabric on a board and glue the seeds on then frame it behind glass.
Not sure yet, but at least I broke the long dry spell!!
I am pretty sure I have 4 of the principles here..similarity, the seeds, and proximity, also the seeds. Continuation since (hopefully!) the eyes will follow the spiral from the upper corner to the middle, and anomaly by adding the small sprig of leaves.
This is also the 5th in a series of illustrated Haiku that I have been working on. I hope you like it :-)


  1. This is simply lovely Cathy! You've very successfully interpreted four of the principles AND composed a beautiful Haiku! Bravo...I love it!


  2. I agree with Cherie's comments! Sometimes we are looking too hard when the answer is right in front of us. You might try encasing the seeds in between two sheets of fusible webbing with netting on top to preserve them and attach them to the quilt. I have done this with leaves and it seems to work well (8 years to date). Great job in interpreting the challenge.


  3. Thank you Cherie and Louise :-)
    This is such a simple little piece but it was the perfect way to get back to doing the challenges!
    Louise, I'll have to try that and see what happens. Think I should take the seeds out first, so they lay flat, right?


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